Flo-ti Yoga



About Me

Hi, I’m Laura, founder and teacher here at Flo-ti Yoga. Originally from the UK, I’ve spent the best part of the last decade touring the world with my partner, living, experiencing and sharing in a colourful array of environments and watching how people from different cultures and backgrounds experience this one planet.
Throughout all these adventures, I found that practising Yoga, among many benefits, grants us the opportunity to ground ourselves during periods of anxiety, nervousness, and stress that at times can arrive when we find ourselves in places of unfamiliarity. Yoga has reinvigorated my confidence in times of self doubt, allowed me to take a breath and attain mental clarity in times of stress, and provided an avenue of positivity and progression through periods of sadness. All these aspects, that contribute towards both spiritual and mental well being, coupled with the physical health benefits of regular practise, in a form we can easily carry with us anywhere we go – this is what yoga is to me.

About Me

Hi, I’m Laura, founder and teacher here at Flo-ti Yoga. Originally from the UK, I’ve spent the best part of the last decade touring the world with my partner, living, experiencing and sharing in a colourful array of environments and watching how people from different cultures and backgrounds experience this one planet.
Throughout all these adventures, I found that practising Yoga, among many benefits, grants us the opportunity to ground ourselves during periods of anxiety, nervousness, and stress that at times can arrive when we find ourselves in places of unfamiliarity. Yoga has reinvigorated my confidence in times of self doubt, allowed me to take a breath and attain mental clarity in times of stress, and provided an avenue of positivity and progression through periods of sadness. All these aspects, that contribute towards both spiritual and mental well being, coupled with the physical health benefits of regular practise, in a form we can easily carry with us anywhere we go – this is what yoga is to me.

After my achieving my Yoga Teaching certification, I jumped right into creating and running classes while continuing my learning; through courses, further reading, and of course the most important resource; my students. I strive to further my knowledge to better help people reach their goals and connect to their personal practice, giving them the ability to shape it into whatever form rewards them most.

I am also passionate about science based practices and functional movements; understanding the mechanics behind our joints and body motion with the aim of promoting improved flexibility, mobility, strength and stability. Acknowledging the roll breathing plays in our practise, as well as how various breathing techniques (the practise of Pranayama) can alter chemical and hormonal balances in the body is also of great interest to me and therefore I work to incorporate them into my flows.

After my achieving my Yoga Teaching certification, I jumped right into creating and running classes while continuing my learning; through courses, further reading, and of course the most important resource; my students. I strive to further my knowledge to better help people reach their goals and connect to their personal practice, giving them the ability to shape it into whatever form rewards them most.

I am also passionate about science based practices and functional movements; understanding the mechanics behind our joints and body motion with the aim of promoting improved flexibility, mobility, strength and stability. Acknowledging the roll breathing plays in our practise, as well as how various breathing techniques (the practise of Pranayama) can alter chemical and hormonal balances in the body is also of great interest to me and therefore I work to incorporate them into my flows.

“Being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time Flies. Every action, movement and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing Jazz.”

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Positive Psychologist

What Is Flo-Ti?

The desire to share what I have learnt, to offer others the comforts and progression that I have found myself able to attain, is what has inspired me to form Flo-Ti.

Flo-ti encompasses the state of mind I wish my students to aim for during my classes. It connects with the idea of entering your flow state; that feeling of weightlessness, staying buoyant in times of stress, and moving intuitively within our comfort, and always with the breath, is what we try to achieve here at Flo-ti Yoga. We don’t weigh ourselves down with the pressure of perfection, we embrace the wobble, we shape our own practise into a form that rewards us in whatever way we desire it. Here, we leave our egos at the door, and off the mat.

What to Expect from a Flo-Ti Yoga Class...

For me, creating yoga classes is a creative and freeing outlet and one of my favourite requirements of the job. Sequences must be safe, imaginative, and contain an appropriate balance between challenge and comfort. I do my best to make sure no two classes feel the same, but follow a general pattern; I start with grounding and Pranayama (breathing) techniques; followed by a series of warm-up flows building up to a peak pose. After generating a little heat throughout the class, we cool-down with some resting asanas before letting go in a rewarding Savasana. Alongside classical asanas I work to incorporate mobility drills within the practice to achieve deeper releases in postures, and to adapt students to, over time, achieve greater range of motion. Movement limitations can be the result of many factors; injury, lifestyle, diet, or simply ageing, but by practising drills and keeping our joints flowing through their available ranges, we can maintain or even improve our mobility even as we age.


I write Vinyasa classes that are inspired by movements within nature, giving my students an intention or teachings at the start of each class but a common desire always withstands – to move in a way that makes YOU feel good.

Whatever your level, whatever your goal, join us in the most beautiful laguna in Nicaragua and find your flow state!